Megan Cooper 👋
Portland, Oregon, US | [email protected]
Programming Languages: TypeScript (Proficient), JavaScript (Expert), Python (Proficient), Node.js (Expert)
Technologies: CSS/SCSS, React.js (Expert), Next.js, Electron, Apache Spark, GraphQL, Express, Hapi.js, Astro, React Native, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Docker, AWS, Kubernetes, Airflow, Cloudflare Workers, RabbitMQ
B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin09/2015 - 05/2019
Relevant Coursework: Algorithms, Concurrent and Distributed Systems, Operating Systems
Work Experience
The Knot Worldwide
Senior Software Engineer
04/2023 - Present
Software Engineer
01/2021 - 04/2023
- Created an NPM package that reduced development time needed to ship (A/B) experimental frontend features (TypeScript, React)
- Wrote in-depth technical spikes that estimated the level of effort for upcoming features for The Knot's registry and checkout applications
- Investigated and fixed syncing issues between data sources in e-commerce infrastructure (RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, GraphQL, MySQL)
Software Engineer, Abodewell06/2019 - 12/2020
- Refined home valuation process by implementing an automated daily process that calculated absorption & percentile statistics for hundreds of home listings in central Texas (Apache Spark, Python, Airflow, AWS Elastic MapReduce, PostgreSQL, Big Data)
- Improved reliability of all-day open house infrastructure by assembling a dashboard that showed the connectivity status of door locks, sensors, and Raspberry Pis (Raspberry Pi, Pusher, Docker, Home Assistant)
- Prevented downtime in MLS data collection web scrapers by updating python selenium scripts when elements in the MLS websites changed (Python, Selenium)
Software Engineer Intern, The Knot Worldwide06/2018 - 12/2018
- Built front end features for The Knot's vendor dashboard (React, Redux, SCSS)
- Set up new rest endpoints for review verification process in The Knot's vendor marketplace (Hapi.js, Node.js)
- Added animated experiences to The Knot Pro mobile app (React Native, Redux)